Business Databases

Full-text articles from journals covering a wide range of academic subjects, not limited to business.
ACM Portal for computer science and IT professionals is the integration of the ACM Guide to Computing Literature and the ACM Digital Library.
Create custom target lists from millions of U.S. business profiles by geography, industry, size, and more. Results can be downloaded to Excel.
Includes full-text dissertations (1997-present) in PDF and worldwide citations going back to 1861.
Includes full-text articles from business and scholarly journals. Only source for Harvard Business Review and McKinsey Quarterly.
Reports on global management trends, best practices, and economic data and analysis.
450K+ international, U.S. regional, state, local, and non-profit organizations including IRS data on U.S. non-profits.
Aggregate financial, valuation, industry, and operational data; available for U.S., states, and metro areas; includes large and small businesses, and startups.
Includes full-text scholarly articles from economic journals, books, and dissertations.
The Economist magazine's weekly print edition and additional content, including special reports unique to the App access not available.