Borrowing and Loan Privileges
Emory University, Emory Healthcare, Emory Alumni or Retirees
Emory card required; 365 days
with 1 renewal
Staff & Students
Emory card required;
28 day loan, with 4 renewals
Emory Healthcare
EHC card required;
28 day loan, with 4 renewals
Alumni card required;
28 day loan, no renewals
Emory card required;
28 day loan, no renewals
*Journal volumes requested from storage, must be used in the library.
In Library Use Only
Laptops: may be borrowed by current Emory faculty, staff, or students for use in the library for up to three hours.
Headphones: The library currently offers KOSS UR20 headphones available at the Information Desk for check out.
- Circulation period:3-hours no renewals
- Overdue Fines: $1.00 per hour
Charging Cables
Adapters: available for checkout Apple 30-Pin to VGA Adapter, Apple Lightning to VGA Adapter, Apple Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter, Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter, Apple USB extender, Apple USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter, Tripp Lite DisplayPort to VGA Adapter Converter Active DP to VGA.
HDMI: HDMI cables are the current standard for HD audio and video signals. Use this cable to send audio and video from some computers/laptops to HD monitors, projectors, and televisions.
- Circulation period: 3-hour loan, library-use only, no renewals
- Overdue fines: $1.00 per day
Laptops: The library currently offers three types of laptop chargers: USB-C, MagSafe-L, MagSafe 2.
- Circulation period: 3-hour loan, library-use only, no renewals
- Overdue Fines: $1.00 per hour
Mobile Devices: The library currently offers four types of phone chargers: IOS, Android, Universal and USB-C.

- Circulation period: 3-hour loan, library-use only, no renewals
- Overdue Fines: $1.00 per hour
Other (Can be used outside of Library)
Calculators: TI-83 Plus Graphing Calculator, TI-83 Plus CE Graphing Calculator, Casio fx-991 ES, Sentry Dual-Power Calculator.

- Circulation Period: 1-day loan, external, no renewals
- Overdue Fines: $1.00 per hour
Equipment is available on a first come, first served basis at the Information Desk in the WHSCL.
For current equipment availability and borrowing, please visit the WHSC Library website or contact the Information Desk during open hours located on Plaza Level.
Phone: 404.727.8727
Borrowing Privileges
Borrowing Equipment
Equipment in the collection only circulates for individual use to active Emory faculty, staff, and students.
Patrons may borrow only one of each type of equipment at a time and may borrow up to 3 pieces of equipment at a time.
Loan periods are 3 hours and 1 day and are non-renewable.
Returning Equipment
All items must be returned directly to the Information Desk on Plaza Level of the Woodruff Health Science Center Library.
Patrons must wait 24 hours after returning equipment from the 1-day collections before checking out another item of the same type.
Patrons must wait 1 hour after returning equipment from the 3-hour collections before checking out another of the same type.
Loan Periods/Overdue Fees
Course Reserve materials 2-hour loans, library-use only: $1.00 per hour
3-hour, library-use only: $1.00 per hour o Phone Chargers, HDMI Cables, Headphones, Laptop Chargers, Calculators, Adapters
1-day, external: $1.00 per hour
Laptop Computers 3-hour, library-use only: $20.00 per hour
Lost/Replacement Fees
- The replacement fees that are charged when an item is lost, irreparably damaged, or stolen cover not only the replacement of the piece of equipment itself, but all parts, accessories, and labor costs associated with the replacement of the item. These replacement fees are subject to change depending on the costs at point of replacement.
- There is a minimum $100.00 replacement fee for ANY lost, damaged, or stolen piece of equipment.
- Below is the cost replacement breakdown:
- Charging Cables: up to $105.00
- Laptops: $300.00 or Calculators: up to $130.00
- HDMI cables: $15.00 or Headphones: $25.00
- Adapters: up to $30.00
Library fines that have not been transferred to Student Financial Services may be paid by cash or check at the Information Desk.
- Regular materials: $.50 per day
- Recalled materials: $2.00 per day
- Reserve materials: $1.00 per hour
- Laptop computers: $20.00 per hour
Please be aware that library accounts may be blocked for failure to return recalled items by due date, excessive overdues, or accumulation of bills.
Books are considered lost after the maximum number of overdue notices are sent for an item. A $100 fee is charged for a lost book, plus cost of the book.
If you have a question or concern about lost or overdue books, please contact our Information Desk at 404-727-8727.
Emory faculty may borrow books for one year with one renewal. Emory staff and students as well as staff of the Emory Clinic, Atlanta VA Medical Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Children's Healthcare System of Atlanta may borrow books for four weeks, with four four-week renewals. Books are subject to recall.
To renew online, go to Library Search and click on "Login." Enter your Emory ID and password, then click on "My Library Card" and "Loans." Then select "Renew All." Please note: books that are overdue cannot be renewed online.
Recall or Place a Hold on a Book
- To recall or place a hold on a book that is currently on loan to another person, go to library catalog, Library Search
- Login ("Emory login" link)
- Locate the item you want
- When the record for the item, click on the "Request" button to place the hold.
Initiating a recall request will shorten the due date for the book to ten days from the date of the recall. Patrons who have placed recall requests will be notified once the book is returned.
Emory faculty may designate a current staff member or student as a proxy to borrow books in the faculty member's name. The proxy form must be filled out and signed by the faculty member. For more information or to receive a Faculty Proxy request form, please visit or call the Information Desk at 404-727-8727.
Books and journals from the Health Sciences Center Library collection currently housed in Storage may be requested online via Library Search. Requests may be placed for books or copies of individual articles. An email will be sent when requested books are available for pick-up, usually within 1-2 business days. Articles will be delivered electronically via ILLiad.
To place requests:
- Go to Library Search (library catalog)
- After locating the title you want, click on "Request Article or Chapter."
Select the volume that contains the article you wish to borrow and click “Request it”
- Login to ILLiad and complete the Electronic Document Delivery Request form.
If you do not have an Emory net ID and password, please call the Information Desk at 404-727-8727 to place the request.
Current Emory University faculty, staff, or students may request copies of articles or loan of books not available at Emory Libraries by using the Interlibrary Loan service. Articles will usually be delivered electronically within 1-2 business days, and books, within 10 days.
- Submit requests electronically via the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan system.
- Course textbooks cannot be requested via this service
- Requested items must be for private study and individual research only
- Requests for copies are limited to one article per issue of a journal or one chapter per book Requests can be made to borrow complete books All requests must comply with current United States copyright law For more information about Emory Libraries' Interlibrary Loan service, see "ILL Policies and Procedures."
Visit the page Interlibrary Use Programs | Emory Libraries for detailed information regarding the Interlibrary Use Program.
Course Reserves
To access or place materials on course reserve