The H-Index is a popular tool for determining relative impact of an author's work by qualifying an author's cited publications.
The H-index is defined as the value of (H) that is equal to the number of papers (H) that have that (H) or more citations.
The H-Index was developed by Dr. Jorge Hirsch in 2005 and is described in an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.
To find an author's or authoring group's H-Index, start from the library website and select Web of Science:
- Search for author's name. Ex: Smith JB
- When results appear, link to the "Create Citation Report" on the right side of the screen.
- The H-index will appear with the Citation Report, on the right side of the screen.
For questions about the H-index, or to request assistance with determining an H-index, please use Ask a Librarian.