Emory has high-quality digital images for research and teaching. Find images to use and cite in your work.
Core Image Resources
For more information, consult the guide on image collections. Emory Digital Collections is the digital front door to unique cultural heritage and scholarship collections from Emory University, providing access to tens of thousands of locally digitized objects. Content is ingested on an ongoing basis. Please also see the Core Image Resources listed above to access additional digitized Emory material with visual components. The re-use of images for educational purposes (not including print or electronic publication of any kind) is generally considered acceptable under the terms of fair use. If you wish to publish images online or in print, even if for educational purposes, you will first need to determine whether or not the image is protected by copyright, then find out how to get copyright clearance. You may also need to obtain permission to publish from the institution that owns the image in question, whether or not the image is in the public domain. Creative Commons provides free tools that let artists easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can search for CC images in the public domain and/or under Creative Commons licenses that allow use. For more information and for permissions data on Emory's own collections, please consult the guide on image copyright and permissions Using an image that you did not create requires a citation in all cases. Citations can be formatted according to the citation style you are using (MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.). More more information, please consult the guide on citing images. Emory University Jstor Forum service is offered to help faculty create collections to disseminate and showcase digital images in support of teaching at Emory University. Please consult the image guide for more information.
Local Emory Digital Collections
Copyright & Permissions & Creative Commons
Citing Images
Creating Digital Image Collections at Emory
Finding & Using Digital Images
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