Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Stuart Rose?
Stuart A. Rose 76B is a longtime patron and friend whose generous gifts have played a significant role in shaping the library’s remarkable collections. Rose fell in love with literature and developed a passion for books as an Emory student. Since then, the New Orleans native has built one of the most prized collections of rare books in private hands, helping enhance the library through his contributions, knowledge, and resources. Stuart Rose is also the founder of REX American Resources Corp.-- an alternative energy company based in Dayton, Ohio. Rose now serves as the executive chairman of the board after six years as CEO.
Are there student study spaces available in the Rose Library?
The public spaces in the Rose Library are for research and instructional use directly related to our collections. However, there are many quiet and group study spaces available elsewhere in the Woodruff Library on levels 1-8, and a reading room available for student study in the Matheson Reading Room in the Candler Library.
Are Rose Library spaces available for events and meetings?
The primary mission of the Rose Library is to support the educational mission of the university and to serve the research, teaching and learning needs of our patrons. To meet these primary demands for our spaces, they are available only for Library-sponsored events and Rose Library meetings.
If I am hosting a Library-sponsored event and want to use Rose Library spaces, how can I submit a proposal to the Library Events and Exhibitions Committee?
Please contact the co-chairs of the Library Events and Exhibitions Committee for more information on submitting a proposal:
Kathy Dixson
Library Exhibitions Manager
Why is food and beverage not allowed in the Rose Library?
In order to maintain the best possible preservation conditions for our materials, we do not permit any food or beverage in any of our public spaces with the exception of special events in designated areas.
Why is there so much glass on the Level 10?
Through the design of the new space, we wanted to convey a sense of openness and welcome – a place that honored the rigorous work happening here, but also created a sense of curiosity. Students, faculty, and visitors alike are invited to look through the glass and see the work happening on the floor and to imagine themselves there. The exhibition cases in the spine of the floor also invite this same sense of possibility and wonder – highlighting both the extraordinary range of materials here at the Rose Library, but also the work that has come from them – the diverse and significant publications, interactions, events, and collaborations that are possible here. As for the floor-to-ceiling windows, we wanted to make the most of the stunning views and invite in the wonders of the natural and built environment as part of the experience of the new space and as another source of inspiration.
How are you able to protect original materials stored on Level 10?
All of the interior and exterior glass in the Rose Library has been specially treated to protect materials against the damaging effects of UV exposure. All original materials on display on Level 10 have been installed with the input of our Preservation and Security teams to ensure that our materials are protected against damage or theft, and are rotated on a 90-day schedule to maintain the integrity of the materials.
Where are all the books?
In order to protect and steward our collections, our books are housed in closed stacks areas located both on-site within the Woodruff Library and offsite at Emory University’s storage library. These facilities are climate and temperature-controlled, secured, and designed specifically for the long-term storage and care of our materials.
What is the oldest item in your collection?
We have ancient cuneiform tablets on permanent loan from the Carlos Museum and a Greek manuscript fragment dating from the 4th century CE. Our oldest printed book, Biblia Latina, is from 1475.
How much material do you have?
Currently we have over 150,000 print titles, and nearly 1,350 collections measuring over 15,000 linear feet of material (that’s nearly 3 miles worth of boxes)—and growing.
How do you get your collections?
Our collections are acquired through a combination of purchase and donation. More than half of our collections come as gifts.
Can anyone come see the materials?
Yes. The collections are open to anyone interested in exploring our holdings.
How do I register for a patron account, request materials, or use the reading room?
You can register for a patron account, request materials, and watch reading room tutorials online by visiting Using the Reading Room.
How do I get additional help for a class project or paper using Rose Library materials?
Requests for instruction sessions should be submitted via the Rose website through the Teaching and Learning Resources page.
Students who need help on an assignment can contact us at or stop by our Reference Desk on Level 10 of Woodruff Library.
Do you accept donations of personal or family materials to the Rose Library?
We welcome donations of books, family papers, and other materials that are intended for or appropriate for Rose Library collections. Our curators are available to speak with individuals and organizations interested in placing rare books, manuscripts, or other materials at Emory. For all types of donations of books or other materials, or to discuss your gift, please contact the Rose Library in advance of bringing materials onsite.
How can I make a financial donation to the Rose Library?
The Rose Library has been shaped and strengthened through the generosity of thousands of individuals who, through the decades, have generously supported the library.
We cannot realize our potential without the support of individuals, corporations, and foundations willing to invest in the Library's future. Funds donated to the collection endowments and building campaign will create a lasting legacy for generations of future researchers and visitors.
There are many ways to make your gift to the Rose Library, including our newest option over a secured website. You may make your gift by credit card, check, money order, electronic funds transfer, or even by giving appreciated stock or other real property. You may also provide for the Rose Library with a bequest or life income gift and the Woodruff Library Development team is happy to speak with you. We welcome your support!
Please contact Jason Lowery, Assistant Director of Advancement & Alumni Engagement for more information at
Are there volunteer or internship opportunities available at the Rose Library?
While there is no formal volunteer or internship program at this time, we do occasionally welcome student volunteers or interns and other professionals to assist with specific projects or initiatives. If you are interested in an opportunity with the Rose Library, please contact us and we will connect you with the appropriate staff member.