Rose Library Space Usage Requests

The Rose Library's spaces provide a gateway for the campus community and beyond to gain exposure to, and access to the staff, spaces, programs, exhibitions, and collections that comprise the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.  


As an active special collections center, Rose Library strives to balance the use of its spaces with the preservation and use of our collections to advance our mission. Rose Library grants use of its spaces, on a limited basis, to groups and programs with a direct intention to use its distinctive collections.  Please note that Rose Library does not host staff training/retreats, parties, or other gatherings not directly connected to the mission and use of its collections.  


Please note that each request is reviewed for alignment with Rose Library’s mission and is not guaranteed until confirmed by a staff member. Please allow at least 10 business days for our committee to review requests. We are unable to confirm requests before this time.  


Unplanned maintenance and repairs to Rose Library spaces will impact our ability to confirm space use requests during the 2024-2025 academic year.  As of February 2025 the Woodruff Seminar is closed for repairs.